Wednesday, September 12, 2012

if - imagination


  1. This is beautiful! i want to go there!!

  2. Oh, beautiful universe in your mind and on paper!
    Reminds me of an artist from my country called Xul Solar, surely you've ever seen in your life :)))
    Congratulations, I love your artwork, and I walked a bit your blog and do not understand why you have very few comments????!!

    1. hi roberto,

      i didn't know of xul solar but now i've checked out his art pieces and they are very cool, thanks for introducing me to him :) it's great to hear you like my stuff, and visiting the blog ^^, i still have a long way to go but comments like these are bright spots on the journey :)
      i think there are just a lot of more awesome and inspiring artists out there (a very good thing!).

  3. Love the subtle colours and the composition

  4. very surreal! can't really see what's that view right in the middle of the picture, floating seed and shell/waves? phallic shape right in the middle D: and masculine construction crane, has a quite industrial feel to it...

    1. ehhh i didn't notice the phallic shape! D: indeed.. it's supposed to be a view of distant rolling hills and a tree. and oops, it was supposed to be a suspension bridge and suspended hammock+night, not a crane.. a lot of things are not v clear i think.. maybe an online would sharpen it up a bit.
